Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Not?

As many of you know, I am returning to Costa Rica in only 4 days to do.... well.... pretty much whatever they tell me to do!  Since the other day was technically my last day at school, there was a lot of crying and sobbing, well not from me.  Because I will not be returning to school when I get back from Costa Rica (or for my senior year) for most of them, it's goodbye forever.

The most Commonly asked question at school is "Why are you going? Why are you leaving us?" Well after having to respond with the same answer Over and Over and Over again! I have decided that I will just make it my new motto.... "Why not?" That answer usually just makes people leave you alone!  I have done some uber praying.... (for those of you who don't know, Uber means "The ultimate, above all, the best, top, something that nothing is better than" or Über, in German is a prefix commonly used in America as "be") and after talking to God so much, I don't think I have any regrets at all with the decision I made.  I am 100% content, peace out America.... I can't really say I'll miss you!

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WOW, my font just randomly got HUGE! and I don't know why!

Anyways, This is all for now so.... Talk to you later!

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