Monday, March 14, 2011

Home Alone

GABBIE!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! That's right! Gabbie is OUTIE!!!!! I'll never forget her wonderfully positive atitude that she always had!!!! I'll miss waking up to he trillions of smiles!!!! The story is sooo sad... but that's getting to far ahead... first things first, the INDIAN VILLAGE!!!

Ok where do I start, guys I had a.... interesting.... village, I want you to learn from my mistakes so that if you ever have to walk up a two hour mountain and work for a family of indians for 2 nights in the freezing cold, please don't wear boots that are 3 sizes smaller than your shoe size! OW!!!! Ok maybe its not that bad, I just over exaggerate everything, it was actually pretty awesome!

Other than having to walk 1.5 hours up a mountain in boots 3 sizes too small for me, it wasn't all that bad of a trip.  On day one we obviously didn't do any work since it got dark pretty much as soon as we got up. But in the night, I felt like I was living in ANTARTICA!!!!!  I never got an exact temperature, all I know is that it was cold enough to keep me up all night, the only thoughts in my head were "What time is it", "Night has got to be over soon right?", "WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END???"

The next day we pretty much just worked all day (leveling out the ground and getting wood)
The next night we (Jazmin, Gabbie and myself) decided to snuggle and hug each other to keep each other warm... once again we all froze to death.

Well the point is if you eve want to go to an Indian village up in the mountains, get correct sized boots, bring plenty of warm clothes, and don't forget to bring BLANKET lolz

That leads us now to Gabbies departure!!! The night before Gabbie left we had a little goodbye party for her, I was almost ready to cry... Gabbie has made my experience in Costa Rica like 99% better than it would've without her.  We all said our goodbyes and woke up at 5:00 am to take Gabster to the airport.  When I was about to cry Gabbie told me "Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" That little phrase always made me happy!  It makes everyone happy, Raquel is even trying to write a song about it :P

Well since Gabbie left we havn't really done anything, I was supposed to go to La Palma with Emanuel.... but he forgot to pick me up.  We were supposed to go to the beach, however with the Japan Earthquake, there were tsunami warnings.

One more thing, please pray for Japan, they need all the help they can get....

I know this blog post was short but I find blogging to be really boring... sorry I'll be sure to keep it updated for all my fans though lol